La Bibliothèque Des Futurs
La bibliothèque is a think tank collecting contemporary writings on the future and ecology. Before the project was released, I was tasked with creating the visual identity and a website. Later on I was in charge of creating the collection of covers for the publications.
Yuyu – The world’s conquest by American-Indian vegetables Yuyu – Amerindian vegetables to conquer the worldis a 90 seconds documentary about the potato, made for my graduation project in Motion Design at MJM Strasbourg. For this creation, dozens of watercolors have been made by hand, scanned and then used in Adobe After Effects or Cinema 4D. The voice over was recorded in Strasbourg specifically […]
Illustrated posters showcase
Two posters commissioned by the Glasgow Board Game Club. A group specialised in horror / survival games. These are horrific spins on well known posters (E.T. & Kill Bill). Poster commissioned by North Brewing Co for a tap takeover event. No man sky poster ‘fan-art’ created for the game’s release and Glasgow’s Geek Art expo […]
Welcome to Rapture
This design was my answer to a brief asking me to come up with a name and design a visual for a corporate event. This company social gathering was to be set in the 20s and the prohibition period. The art deco style was chosen to accommodate the hosting building’s architectural style.
Triumph Motorcycles Teeshirts
T-Shirts and designs created in 2017 and 2018 for the Triumph Motorcycles official forum’s events.
Tribute to Dieter Rams
Just a tribute to one of the greatest designers. Created on Adobe Illustrator and exposed in Glasgow in 2016.
Lova Media Ident
Creative exercice realised during my motion design training at MJM Graphic Design School, Strasbourg, France. TV ident for Lova Media in a similar fashion as those you can see on MTV.
La Chiquita Bandita – Concept Art
La chiquita Bandita was a concept-art for a pixel art video game. A modern Bonnie & Clyde ride away to find the last Time Crisis II arcade machine.
Woolgar Hunter Engineers illustrations
Illustrations created for Woolgar Hunter Engineers and used in LAYOUT Magazine